772 Nahiku, Hana, HI, 96713
As of the listing date, this is THE MOST reasonable 2-acre (Agricultural) parcel for sale in East Maui! This lot has MANY beautiful tropical plants (such as fan palms and areca palms), tropical flowers (such as ginger and heliconia) since it used to be a flower farm before. Other trees are: avocado, common mango, and kukui nut trees. More present plants are: wild coffee trees and some banana patches. There are potential building sites, after clearing. This property is located about halfway down on the paved Lower Nahiku Road and a very short (walking) distance to the gorgeous Nahiku Landing, where the ocean is. This property is about 30-minute drive to Hana town. There are also waterfalls and swimming holes nearby. Water would be via a catchment tank, to be installed by the new owner. However, there is an old water meter on the property too. Electricity could be via Maui Electric (along L. Nahiku Rd) or solar. Survey pins are in place and Seller will supply the survey done in 2021.